Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Modul Teknik Instalasi Tenaga Listrik

Selamat sore sobat SMKN 1 PUNGGING semua, apa kabar ?? semoga sehat selalu ya :). Oke sore ini admin akan berbagi sedikit modul atau materi Teknik Instalasi Tenaga Listrik untuk sobat yang ada di Jurusan TITL. Admin mendapatkannya dari blog-blog di internet mohon maaf kalau nanti ada link yang error. Oke tanpa berbasa-basi lagi monggo didownload modulnya berikut ini, cekidot :

Dari http://listrik-smknesaba.blogspot.com :
  1. Avometer 
  2. Diklat Rangkaian AC
  3. Membaca Komponen Elektronika
  4. Menggambar Teknik Listrik dan Elektronika
  5. Interpretasi Gambar Teknik
  6. Gambar Dasar Teknik 
  7. Prinsip Kotak Proyeksi  
  8. Standarisasi Gambar Teknik
  9. Menggunakan Alat Ukur 1 
  10. Menggunakan Alat Ukur 2 
  11. Oscioloscop 
  12. Pemilihan Alat Ukur Listrik 
  13. Penggunaan Multimeter
  14. Pengukuran Tahanan
  15. Perawatan&Perbaikan AVO, OSCIOLOSCOP, Generator
  16. Simbol dan Data Teknik Alat Ukur Listrik 
  17. Simbol – Simbol Alat Ukur
  18. Alat Ukur Elektrodinamis dan Vibrasi
  19. Ampermeter dan Voltmeter 
  20. Wattmeter dan Cosqmeter
  21. Mengukur Medan Putar,Kuat Cahaya, KWhmeter 
  22. Akumulator (AKI)
  23. Dasar Digital 
  24. Dasar Semikonduktor 
  25. Dasar Elektrostatika 
  26. Dasar Flip-Flop 
  27. Dasar Kemagnetan
  28. Komponen Pasif  
  29. Dioda dan Transistor 1 
  30. Dioda dan Transsistor 2 
  31. Dasar Listrik AC 
  32. Konsep Dasar Listrik dan Elektro 1
  33. Konsep Dasar Listrik dan Elektro 2 
  34. Konsep Dasar Listrik dan Elektro 3 
  35. Rangkaian LIstrik Arus Bolak-balik(AC) 1 
  36. Rangkaian Listrik Arus Bolak-balik 2 
  37. Hukum Kelistrikan
  38. Rangkian Listrik Arus Searah  
  39. Dasar Elektronika (TPTL) 
  40. Elektronika (TPTL) 
  41. Elektronika Digital Dasar (TPTL) 
  42. Elektronika Digital Lanjut (TPTL) 
  43. Ilmu Bahan Listrik (TPTL) 
  44. Perawatan dan Perbaikan Peralatan Listrik Rumah Tangga (TPTL) 
  45. Perencanaan Dan Konstruksi Pada Panel (TPTL) 
  46. PLC Dasar (TPTL) 
  47. Prinsip Dasar Arus Searah (TPTL)
  48. Rangkaian Digital (TPTL) 
  49. Dasar Pemeliharaan Instalasi Listrik (LIstrik Pembangkit) 
  50. Instalasi Listrik Dasar  
  51. Kontrol Magnetik(LIstrik Pembangkit) 
  52. Mesin DC (LIstrik Pembangkit) 
  53. Pemeliharaan Rangkaian Elektronik(Listrik Pembangkit) 
  54. Piranti Semikonduktor (Listrik Pembangkit) 
  55. Proteksi Sistem Tenaga Listrik (Listrik Pembangkit) 
  56. Rangkaian Elektronik (Listrik Pembnagkit) 
  57. Rangkaian Listrik (Listrik Pembangkit)  
  58. Rangkaian Penyearah (Listrik Pembangkit) 
  59. Starting Moor 3 Fasa (listrik Pembangkit) 
  60. Teknik Listrik (Listrik Pembangkit) 
  61. Gambar Teknik Elektro (Listrik Trasmisi) 
  62. Ilmu Bahan Listrik (Listrik Trasmisi) 
  63. Panel Busbar (Listrik Trasmisi) 
  64. Pengukuran Listrik (listrik Transmisi) 
  65. Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Kerja (Listrik Transmisi) 
  66. Teknik Pencahayaan (listrik Transmisi)
Dari http://disdik-lampung.info
  1. Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja.doc
  2. Budaya-Keselamatan-Dan-Kesehatan-Kerja.doc
  3. Mengikuti-Prosedur-Menjaga-Kesehatan-Dan-Keselamatan-Kerja.pdf
  4. Menghindari-Bahaya-Gangguan-Listrik.doc
  5. Cedera Akibat Listrik.doc
  6. Peraturan Umum Instalasi Listrik (PUIL) -2000.pdf
  7. Pemeriksaan Instalasi Listrik.doc
  8. Teknik-Tenaga-Listrik.pdf
  9. Teori Dasar Listrik 01.doc
  10. Teknik Pemanfaatan Tenaga Listrik-Jilid 1. pdf
  11. Teknik Pemanfaatan Tenaga Lstrik- Jilid 2. pdf
  12. Teknik Pemanfaatan Tenaga Listrik-Jilid 3. pdf
  13. Sistem_Refrigerasi_dan_Tata_Udara_jilid 1. pdf
  14. Sistem_Refrigerasi_dan_Tata_Udara_jilid 2. pdf
  15. Dasar Motor Stepper. pdf
  16. Mesin Listrik. pdf
  17. Sistem Pengendali Putaran Motar AC. pdf
  18. Pengenalan PLC. doc
  19. Pengenalan PLC 1.doc
  20. Pemanfaatan Programmable Logic Controller dalam Dunia Industri.doc
  21. Sistem Kontrol Proses dan PLC. pdf
  22. Kendali_Berbasis_Mikroprosesor. pdf
  23. Kendali-Jarak-Jauh-via-SMS. pdf
    Modul dalam Bahasa Inggris
  24. Basic Electrical Technology Engineering. pdf
  25. Basic Training for Electrical Motors Leeson Electric.pdf
  26. Electrical Safety Handbook. pdf
  27. Electrical Science Volume-4, pdf
  28. Electrical_and_Electronic_Serving.pdf
  29. Fundamentals Of Electric CircuitS.pdf
  30. Introduction to Elecytric Circuits.pdf
  31. Introduction to Electrical-Power-Systems.pdf
  32. Maintenance-Fundamental.pdf
  33. Adaptive_Control_Systems.pdf
  34. AMS With PLC.pdf
  35. Control of Induction Motors.pgf
  36. Definitions of Relay Terms.pdf
Lainnya dapat didownload di --> http://gudanglistrik.50webs.com/

Oke sekian postingan ini, semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi sobat-sobat Teknik Instalasi Tenaga Listrik di SMKN 1 Pungging. Akhir kata Sankyu #smkbisa :)

    Related Post :

    69 komentar:

    matur nowon modulnya,, sangat membantu sekali. saya sebagai alumni smkn 1 pungging merasa bangga dengan stm habibi.

    terima kasih sekali atas modulnya..
    blog yg lain mah gagal..tapi disini lancar semua..



    Terimakasih banyak atas segala modulnya,
    saya yang sedang kuliah di Univ. Negeri Malang merasa sangat terbantu ..

    you are able to take the help of experts making a call at QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number Well! If you’re not in a position to customize employee payroll in.

    You must not worries, if you're facing trouble using your software you're going to be just a call away to your solution. Reach us at QuickBook Customer Support Number at and experience our efficient tech support team of several your software related issues.

    The QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Number Desktop version offers a hand filled with services. We should do the installation on our desktop to possess it working then. It boils down with three types of services basic, enhanced and assisted. Basic payroll is most affordable amongst all the three service types.

    QuickBooks Customer Support Number has too much to offer to its customers to be able to manage every trouble that obstructs your projects. You will find loads many errors in QuickBooks such as difficulty in installing this software

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    You need to go through the entire all about this site to know all about QuickBooks Error 3371, Status Code 11118 to correct it yourself. You will definitely understand more about it, the external / internal factors causing Error 3371 and steps to resolve it.

    There is certainly sometimes a number of errors which may bother your projects flow, nothing should be taken as burden that being said because the support team of QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number resolves every issue in minimal time and commendable expertise.

    Contact Your Best QuickBooks Enterprise Companion At QuickBooks Enterprise Tech QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number We all know that for the annoying issues in QuickBooks Enterprise software

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    QuickBooks Error Code 6000-301 takes place when accessing the business enterprise file in Quickbooks accounting software. This error can be caused by various defect and damages to QuickBooks desktop. QuickBooks Error -6000, -301 encounters while attempting to use a desktop company file.

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    Very often client faces some typically common issues like he/she isn’t willing to open QuickBooks package, it is playing terribly slow, struggling to install and re-install, a challenge in printing checks or client reports. We intend to supply you with the immediate support by our well- masterly technicians. A group of Support Number For QuickBooks dedicated professionals is invariably accessible for you personally so as to arranged every one of your problems in an effort that you’ll be able to do your work while not hampering the productivity.

    At site name, the client care team can help you in resolving every error that hinders the performance and speed of the work. Most of us studies every issue beforehand and provides you the optimised solution. If you come with any issue which all of us is just not conscious of then it`s not after all a challenge for the team since it's quick and sharp to find from the issue and resolving it right away. Go right ahead and contact us anytime at QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Number.

    Intuit is perhaps all concerning User expertise which is the reason why they require creating dedicated QuickBook Support variety; Users will dial the fee number in case they usually have any facilitate concerning the code.

    It is rather possible you can face trouble while installing QuickBooks Pro software since this probably the most common issue. You don't have to go any where if you encounter any difficulty in QuickBooks Installation, just e-mail us at Intuit Support For QuickBooks and experience matchless support services.

    We're going to also provide you with the figure of your respective budget which you can be in the near future from now. This is only possible with QuickBooks Technical Support

    QuickBooks has made payroll management quite definitely easier for accounting professionals. There are so many individuals who are giving positive feedback when they process payroll either QB desktop and online options. In this web site, we intend to allow you to experience to make and place within the checklist for employee payment. To have more enhanced results and optimized benefits, it is possible to take the help of experts making a call at QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Phone Number. Well! If you’re not able to customize employee payroll in Quickbooks while making the list optimally, in QB and QB desktop, then browse the description ahead. Here, you obtain the determination of numerous variety of information everything you’ve close by for assisting the setup process with comfort.

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    By using QuickBooks Payroll 24/7 Support Number, you're able to create employee payment on time. In any case, you may be facing some problem when making use of QuickBooks payroll such as issue during installation, data integration error, direct deposit issue, file taxes, and paychecks errors, installation or up-gradation or perhaps about virtually any than you don’t panic, we provide quality QuickBooks Payroll help service. Check out features handle by our QB online payroll service.

    In this blog, I will be providing you the most notable 5 accounting principle in QuickBooks Support that must be accompanied by users to keep at the top.

    Well! If you’re not in a position to customize employee payroll in QuickBooks Payroll Support Number while making the list optimally, in QB and QB desktop, then browse the description ahead.

    There are numerous features that produce QuickBooks Customer Tech Support Number Premier standout such as for example it provides bank security that aids you to go with IT maintenance smoothly. It's also possible to add number of users that may access company files at multiple locations. It provides you the facility of automated data backup and recovery.

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    QuickBooks Technical Support Phone Number makes all the process a lot more convenient and hassle free by solving your any QuickBooks issues and error in only a person call. We provide excellent tech support team services after we have the highly experienced and certified professionals to give you the gilt-edge technical support services.

    Alternatively you'll get in touch with us, at QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number Directory, for authentic and reliable toll free number as well as other email address for the company. This informative article the most suitable for listed here Terms .

    As we provide a day customer care at , your issues are resolved at any instance of that time from QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number technically skilled professionals at minimal price.

    We take care of your customers and bend towards backward to please these with your exuberant performance. All of this is completed without compromising along with the QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number quality of services because nothing seems good in case tasks are not done.

    QuickBooks Enterprise Tech Support Phone Number assists you to definitely overcome all bugs from the enterprise types of the applying form. Enterprise support team members remain available 24×7 your can buy facility of best services.

    Each time you dial QuickBooks Support Phone Number USA, your queries get instantly solved. Moreover, you will get in touch with our professional technicians via our email and chat support choices for prompt resolution of all of the related issues.

    Although, the QuickBooks Enterprise users may not find tech glitches very often, but some issues do occur. Further, such technical issues may hinder the conventional functionality for the program eventually interrupting the users work. In such a situation, QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number comes to rescue when one dials the toll-free QuickBooks Enterprise support telephone number. So, the tech support can there be to help users to troubleshoot the difficulties at any point of time.

    QuickBooks is an item which is progressed as the primary gadget to help business proficiency and motorize the assignments that are dull in nature. Regardless, QuickBooks has a considerable number of happy customers in every specialty and corner of the world. just through a call on the customer care or the toll-free QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number.

    QuickBooks Enterprise support telephone number to get hold of Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor
    Welcome to QuickBooks Enterprise support where all your problems pertaining to the functioning of QuickBooks Enterprise will soon be solved by our team of QuickBooks Enterprise Support ina moment. In the event that you facing any interruption in running the Enterprise version of QuickBooks Software for your needs, so directly take help from our QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number team, it is best never to waste some time for a searching solution for your problems.

    QuickBooks is present for users around the world because the best tool to supply creative and innovative features for business account management to small and medium-sized business organizations. If you’re encountering any kind of QuickBooks’ related problem, you can get all that problems solved just by utilising the QuickBooks Premier Support Phone Number.

    QuickBooks Support Phone Number dedicated team is sure with you. These are typically surely working at any hour to assist and make suggestions if you run into any QuickBooks error/s. Our QuickBooks Support team surely have in-depth knowledge regarding the issues and complications of QuickBooks.

    QuickBooks offer Good and reliable bookkeeping services for small enterprises by giving most updated and accurate financial records. Impeccable financial records are maintained accurately. Easily dial our QuickBooks Support telephone number and get associated with our wonderful technical team. But when you can get stuck in virtually any sort of technical or any other issue, the QuickBooks Tech Support team offers the correct solutions and customized solution for the problems.

    Give a call at QuickBooks Tech Support Number if you're encountering any difficulties which can be mentioned previously. If you are facing virtually any problems with your QuickBooks, you'll be able to also make instant calls. Your queries are certain to get resolved with no delays.

    There are numerous forms of bugs, glitches, and issues that users can face while operating the QuickBooks. However, the QuickBooks Support helps you in troubleshooting the all variety of errors by providing an entire and simple stepwise guide. After understanding your problems, our great technical executives provide the best possible support in rectifying them.

    QuickBooks has completely transformed the way people used to operate their business earlier. To get familiar with it, you should welcome this positive change. Supervisors at QuickBooks Technical Support Number have trained all of their executives to combat the issues in this software.

    We have a team of professionals that have extensive QB expertise and knowledge on how to tailor this software to any industry. Having performed many QB data conversions and other QB engagements, we have the experience that you can rely on. To get our help, just dial the Quickbooks Support phone number to receive consultation or order our services. We will help you streamline and simplify the accounting, reporting and tracking so that managing your company’s finances would be much easier. Also, we guarantee to maintain anonymity and high level of security while handling issues related to QB software use. Our QuickBooks Toll-free Number is available to you at any time. Get in touch with us by using a phone number or email indicated on the Quickbooks Support site. We will be happy to assist you with any question about QuickBooks you might have.

    It is possible to avail the receipt simply by engaging the camera into the receipts scanner and yes it automatically gets put into the expenses.
    To allow the aforementioned along with other features, go ahead and reach our QuickBooks Support Phone Number to get instant assistance through the pro-advisors.

    Hi! I have read many blogs earlier but haven’t read such a great work before. Truly great content. Keep up the good work. QuickBooks desktop is one of the most prevalent accounting software. in case you face any error in your QuickBooks desktop software then contact us via our QuickBooks Desktop Support Phone Number 1-855-236-7529. The team at QuickBooks Contact Number 1-855-236-7529 is available 24*7 round the clock for you.
    Read more: https://tinyurl.com/y24a2nmz

    What a masterpiece Post! Your post is one of the most engaging posts I have recently come across. Thank you for sharing such a credible post! Contact QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number 1-833-441-8848 and talk to our specialists who are available 24 x7 hours and avail instant assistance one any problem associated with the QuickBooks.

    What an amazing post, thank you for this mind-boggling post, my mate. Keep it up and keep posting more. QuickBooks Accounting Software is one of the most sought after accounting software used by small and medium-sized businesses. This software along with the beneficial features and functions is also host to several errors and bugs. Thus, to fix them instantly and get back on the track, you can dial and talk to experts at QuickBooks Contact Number 1-833-441-8848 for all the information.

    Hey, what a remarkable Post! Great post! I read a lot of posts but have never come across such a post earlier. I’m in love with this post of yours and you have made up to my blogger bucket list. You can even save your time and money, by installing QuickBooks software. For any queries contact our experts at QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1-844-200-2627 and avail instant resolution every time.

    QuickBooks error 9999 can occur while you are installing a program or Intuit Inc. related software program (e.g. QuickBooks) is running. Also, it might occur to take place during Windows startup or shutdown, and even if the Windows operating system will be installed. This is why you should keep an eye on when and where the 9999 error takes place which acts as a very crucial bit of information in troubleshooting the problem. If you want to Fix QuickBooks Error 9999 then you may contact our ProAdvisors.

    QuickBooks Online Banking users need to have an integration with the bank account. This integration can be done either by Direct Connect or Web Connect feature. If you would like to learn how to Fix Quickbooks Error 9999, you can continue reading this blog.

    Keren pak artikel dan blognya.. Kunjungi blog teknik pendingin DinginAja

    Quickbooks is an accounting software, this very helpful and popular software for accounting and bookkeeping. If user face issue with it the quickbooks provide various different tool for resolve that issue like if you face problem Quikcbook Quickbooks update error 15106
    , you can resolve that with various Qb repair tool.

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